The future is digital, and the race is on. Businessesacross the world are approaching a crucial juncturewhere those who have the ability to adapt theiroperations to a rapidly evolving landscape will have the edgeover their competitors.The number of devices communicating across the networkhas been growing exponentially, but that number is about toexplode as the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to becomea reality. As a result, it has never been more important toensure that the edge of a business’ network is robust, secureand can be upgraded with the speed needed to capitalise onchanging business environments.Why securing the network edgeis so criticalEnterprise networks consist of routers, switches and wirelessaccess points, which are all intelligent devices.But when these devices are connected to the network edge,it is often to non-intelligent devices like phones, tablets,laptops, printers and IoT sensors, threatening networksecurity. Without a secure network edge, blocking externalthreats and vulnerabilities becomes very difficult.