Findings from Kofax benchmark study 2022 for intelligent automation This annual report is 2019 appeared for the first time and become the insider study in the details about the ambitions, challenges and company results on the subject of intelligent automation to be published. In the period before the corona pandemic 2020-21 Kofax Benchmark Study on Intelligent Automation* confirmed the participating executives of companies that their focus on intelligent automation lies. It became an increase of budgets for intelligent automation for more than 40% forecast, and the technological approach, the companies for the chose automation, was just as important. The Executives reported that an automation approach with spot solutions from multiple providers challenges with it brought, including technical Blame (46%), delays in successful implementation (35%) and less Return on investment (33%). Almost all participants (99%) drew a platform solution from one only provider before – and led as advantages of the integrated Intelligent Automation platforms an improvement of customer experience (54%), of employee productivity (52 %), the efficiency (52%) and the Security and Compliance (51 %) at. In addition said 48% of the participants that their employees the technical Skills for dealing with their automation technology missing and therefore they a platform with little programming needs preferred that user-friendly (80%) and yet advanced enough for technical power users (78%). This year are evolving the companies their way by a drastically changed one business landscape. 800 Participants reported that their company themselves with countless new ones challenges faced see that from supply chain disruptions to one labor shortage are sufficient. At a time, since all companies agree that theirs intelligent automation in overcoming this challenges will help the questions are piling up what priorities to focus on should focus. Of what types of Automation can worldwide companies benefit most? Read further to find out.