Digital data occupies a prominent place in all aspects of our lives today. and should play an even more important role in the future. Their exponential growth is therefore inexorable. Over the next three years, the total volume of data produced will exceed that generated in over the past 30 decades. Most of this data accumulates in the form of archives and cold data while waiting for its potential value to be released. This rapid transformation has accelerated with the Covid-19 pandemic and the rise of teleworking which has created a heavy reliance on Internet applications and video communications in work environments completely digital. Nearly 80% of data is archived or cold. They are in majority stored in a traditional file format, which is limited in extensibility, as well as in the format relatively new and rapidly expanding object, which guarantees unlimited scalability. This growth phenomenal is due to the use of old generation applications, but also new applications Internet-based in areas such as Surveillance, Edge and Cloud Computing, Computing high performance (HPC), the Internet of Things (IoT), social media or even entertainment.